PASSIVE HOUSE Passive House has come to be internationally recognized as a standard for energy efficiency. The approach and methodology employed by the standard are recognized not only in Germany where it was originally developed but worldwide – from North America to Australia. A number of studies have shown that the energy costs for heating…
Author: Kaloyan Dobrev
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Sustainable development is the organizing principle for meeting human development goals while at the same time sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources upon which the economy and society depend. The desirable end result is a state of society where living conditions and resource use continue to meet human…
ENERGY EFFICIENCY Energy efficiency is the key to securing a safe, reliable, accessible and sustainable energy system for the future. This is the sole energy source that all countries abound in, this is also the quickest and most accessible way to handle the challenges of energy security, environment and economy. Our team offers the following…
Synergy Bulgaria EOOD provides overall design in the field of HVAC systems. Our team has comprehensive experience in designing low-energy building systems in the following aspects: Convection water systems – radiators, convector heaters, etc.; Solar water systems – floor heating and cooling, concrete tempering, industrial floor heating/cooling; Ventilation systems – heat recovery systems, local aspiration,…